Silver Oak Institute of Science is offering a bachelor’s degree in Microbiology with an state of the art industry aligned syllabus. Microbiology is a unique, interesting, and foremost program designed to inspire ambitious students with a cutting edge training to young minds power of thinking, provide them proper practical training, and making them industry ready for a rewarding professional career. This program will enable young minds to adopt to both theoretical and practical exposure. Moreover, innovative learner-centric innovative teaching practices will be adopted to ensure parity in terms of academic excellence. Graduates will be eligible for pursuing higher education, M.Sc. programs in the different fields of life science and then do some research for the welfare of mankind. They can go for Indian Forest Service and other competitive examinations. The student after graduating will be eligible for various government exams conducted by UPSC, SSC, etc. This program also offers opportunities for serving in the Indian Army, Indian Navy, and Indian Air Force as officers. Skilled recipients can easily consume by pharmaceutical industries, cosmetic industries, food and dairy sector, chemical industries, etc. Desired applicants can grab the jobs in medical sectors such as Pathology lab, PHC, blood banks, etc.