We have created a toolkit for setting up a scientific student club. This will help in establishing and smooth functioning of the student club at Silver oak Institute of Science, Silver Oak University. A student society, or a club, is an organization of students who love physics and want to get involved in scientific related activities. Scientific clubs will also facilitate activities related to astronomy, mathematics and other STEM fields.
MOTTO: “CURIOUS FOREVER, LEARNING TOGETHER”The goal of this project is twofold:
This scientific club aims to keep students involved in educational activities, and to accomplish this aim, various quizzes, OLAMPIAD and other hands-on interesting activities like poster competition, model making to enhance interest of students in science and particularly physics, chemistry, microbiology, mathematics and biotechnology subjects.
The Club has three main areas of activity: Academic, Recruitment and Social.
Graduate and undergraduate students will be an integral part of setting up, for development of the scientific programs. Club members will work directly with Faculty to provide feedback and solve problems, and make the programs the best they can be for future students.
Scientific Club members will begin a unique initiative in giving presentations at local high school Science classes. University students communicating enthusiastically to potential students about further education in general, degree courses and academic choices has proved to be a real 'hit' with School Teachers and students alike. The Science Club will be very active in 'on campus' events too.
Students like to have fun!
The club will work on to celebrate various prominent days in field of science. Below are few mentioned to show the trend.
This Club will organize a variety of activities, including: parties, eating out, quiz games ('The Einstein Cup'), a camp out, watching scientific movies, Science fair, Departmental Lunch, microspect, guest lectures and so on.
And many more……